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Always and Forever...Covinsky

  • March 17, 2021

Fans of the To All the Boys trilogy, “Forever and Always” is here, so get your popcorn ready! The movie picks up where Lara Jean Covey, played by Lana Condor, and Peter Kavinsky, played by Noah Centineo, left off, still in high school. However, the couple plans for college with their final year in high school at hand. Will their plans include each other? 


The movie starts off with Lara Jean and her family on spring break in Seoul, South Korea. Although she is enjoying her trip, there are two things she can’t get off of her mind. Of course one of those things includes her boyfriend, Peter Kavinsky, but most importantly, she is stressed out about getting into Stanford. If you didn’t already know, Lara Jean and Peter plan on going to college together so both will “never have to be far apart” from each other. She believes if they do not go to college together, it will break them apart, “It’s the perfect school for us. He’ll play lacrosse. I’ll study English Lit. [Literature] And best of all, we won’t be one of those couples that breaks up because of college.”

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Photo obtained from Buzzfeed

The next morning she visits Seoul Tower with her family. Seoul Tower grips sentimental value considering Lara Jean’s mother went there, the summer after she started dating her [Lara Jean’s] father. All of them search for a yellow lock which, thanks to an old photo, wasn’t that hard to find. On the lock, it reads, “Eve + Dan, For the rest of my life” in which they place a lock attached to it that says “For the rest of our lives” signed D-M-LJ-K.



Photo obtained from Buzzfeed

Once Lara Jean returns home, she is greeted by her boyfriend with a welcome home. Before their movie night begins, she hands him some weird, yet cute gifts. Once curfew hits, Peter drives home and as she sees him off, she sees her dad proposing to his girlfriend in the window across the street. How sweet!


A few days later, Lara Jean is at dinner with her sister, Kitty, father, and stepmom when she gets a notification about her Stanford application. When she makes it to her room, the status of her application changes from pending to updated. The first line describes, “We regret to inform you....”. Suddenly, her idealistic future is put in reverse by Laura not being accepted.  

Next up, senior trip! When the seniors head to New York, Lara Jean plans to break the news to Peter. When they arrive at the hotel, they sneak out to a bakeshop where she finally tells him. To her surprise, he takes the news very well and reassures her everything is going to be okay. Luckily, they figure out a new plan: Lara Jean is going to go to Berkeley for her freshman year, and then she’ll transfer to Stanford for the rest of her education. Sounds perfect! While on this trip, she goes to a party at NYU with Gen and her best friend, Chris. Seeing the scenery and vibe in New York, she is now faced with another obstacle, would she be happier at NYU? 

Later on, Lara Jean finds out she got accepted into NYU. Now she has to truthfully answer whether or not she would look back and regret her decision of not going to NYU. Her dad teaches a different point of view of how to grow in a relationship. As a result, she makes the decision to go to NYU.  


Later on, Lara Jean finds out she got accepted into NYU. Now she has to truthfully answer whether or not she would look back and regret her decision of not going to NYU. Her dad teaches a different point of view of how to grow in a relationship. As a result, she makes the decision to go to NYU.


Prom roles around and everything goes smoothly. Chris is going with Trevor and Lara Jean is going with Peter. Nothing to be worried about since Gen isn’t all over Peter anymore, right? When Peter and her get back to her place, she gives him a gift to remember “us” by. Peter seems completely against the fact that “she decided” to leave NYU instead of sticking with their original plan. Lara Jean tries to calm Peter down by truly telling him she loves him, but he is convinced they are just going to be ripped apart. He then suggests they just end it right then and there as he walks out. Poof, Covinsky is no more. But wait, that’s not the end of the movie…


Peter talks with his dad to try to understand each other and patch up the holes in their relationship. Meanwhile, Trina and Dan became husband and wife! What a cute couple! After the wedding is over, Margot heads off to bed leaving Kitty and Lara Jean up. Kitty then says to Lara Jean, “ Um… I think you might have, uh, left something in the tent.” Laura Jean just shakes it off, but Kitty insists she goes to the tent to get it tonight. At this moment, Lara Jean knows she didn’t leave anything in the tent and it hits her that Peter is out there waiting for her. Gathering herself together, she heads outside to find a yearbook propped up on the table with a memorable note from Peter in it about their “meet-cute." He even acknowledges the fact that he hurt her and  knows that they’ll get through and he wants to do whatever it takes to make it work, “because that's what you do when you love someone.” Both graduate, move on, and the rest is history...always and forever...Covinsky.

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