What is Gahr's Theater Class Up to?
Brenna Frick | February 17, 2021
What is Gahr's Theater Class Up to?
Brenna Frick | February 17, 2021
What is Gahr's Theater Class Up to?
Brenna Frick | February 17, 2021
What is Gahr's Theater Class Up to?
Brenna Frick | February 17, 2021
February 17,2021
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
The Rebirth Of An Era: Minecraft's Comeback
February 17,2021
Recently, there has been an influx in people who have been given spare time to try out both old and new things due to the stay at home regulations caused by the pandemic. This resulted in people taking up Minecraft and opening the gate for popular creators like Dream, Sapnap, Tubbo, Technoblade, and GeorgenotFound are a few of the most notable players that have recently gained a lot of popularity. With more than 131 million users to this current day, what made the game so special?

Photo obtained from Microsoft
11th grader Sneha Guragain, who has been playing Minecraft since its release back in November of 2011 said, “Minecraft has gained more popularity recently due to all the new updates and cool features they have added and also since we are in quarantine, Minecraft is a game that makes you intrigued and makes you not want to stop playing.”
Recently, Minecraft announced their newest update of 1.17 which will feature new items like bundles, brushes, spy glasses, and mobs like wardens and axolotls. In comparison to the previous versions, this one will not only contain new mods and items but will also be introducing the new caves and cliffs update. Biomes such as caves and biomes will now be revamped and will contain new ores and objects that will relate to caves. This version will be available by spring 2021 and many fans are excited! Anna Lee, who has expressed that she has “lived” with the Minecraft community since the beginning said, “When I was younger I used to watch creators like Stampy, DanTdm, Cupquake, and more. So, I saw all of the different changes the game has gone through so I will be looking forward to it!”.
Minecraft has never been as big as it is now compared to its first peak in 2014. Many students may remember watching people like Skydoesminecraft, Popularmmos, Aphmau, DanTDM, Ldshadowlady, and the most popular, Stampy. Compared to the game plays now, before many of the Let’s Play, which follows the player doing a guided tour on how they play and what they are building, or follows a strict roleplaying script, which means there is a layout of the plot, events, and dialogue that are going to be used with those characters and the series. Since Minecraft was just introduced back then, there was more creativity and endless wonder on what a person could do with the game Therefore, when it came out, videos like Stampys gained so much attention. Zoe Lopez, an 11th grader who actively plays Minecraft and has witnessed its transformation stated, “I was a big fan of creators like LDShadowlady and Aphmau, and although the game is cool now, I wouldn't necessarily say it has gotten better. There was just a change in creators and how they displayed their content."

Recently, there has been an influx in people who have been given spare time to try out both old and new things due to the stay at home regulations caused by the pandemic. This resulted in people taking up Minecraft and opening the gate for popular creators like Dream, Sapnap, Tubbo, Technoblade, and GeorgenotFound are a few of the most notable players that have recently gained a lot of popularity. With more than 131 million users to this current day, what made the game so special? .
Photo obtained obtained by Art by Lettarii on Instagram
Snapnap, GeorgeNotFound,DREAM
The Minecraft community has expanded and changed since 2014. Although people still do scripted plays, they are now more laid back and relaxed. Now, “SMPs,” which stands for Survival Multiplayer, contains a broader range and allows several of its participants to explore a more improv approach to it. One of the most notable SMPs at the moment is the Dream SMP, which was created by Dreamwastaken and a few other friends who also happen to be creators. Approaching its 1st anniversary, the SMP has developed into its 3rd season with more than 33 players and an average of 3 to 4 million viewers altogether (live). Adrianna Loranger an 11th grader who has been an avid watcher of this series said “I was introduced to GeorgeNotFound, who has become one of my favorite streamers, through YouTube. When Dream had begun to grow in popularity I would watch his videos where he would try mods and manhunts with his friends, George being one of them. From there on out I started watching his videos on youtube and tuning into his streams on Twitch. How he can connect with his audience on a personal level, almost like a friendship with his viewers is what entices me to say, aside from the fact that he just has an amazing personality and together with his friends he is hilarious”. Now with this rise, there are several SMP’s being opened, like the EPIC SMP, many are excited to see where these take us and hopefully create the opportunity to grow even more from now.